Total Gas & Power
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Key information about Total Gas and Power
Total Gas & Power is one of the leading suppliers of energy to business customers in the UK. The company is part of the Total Group of businesses and has been supplying electricity since 2001.
The company places a strong focus on the energy requirements of business customers and endeavour to offer this market sector competitive prices, and a high level of customer service through their business energy products.
Total Gas & Power aims to be the UK’s most trusted energy supplier.
They have a long-running history in the energy market space. Recently, they have embraced renewable energy technology. Total Gas & Power aims to be at the forefront of a changing market place by continuing to remain flexible and ensure that their core values and objectives are transmitted throughout the organisation.
They state that their mission is to “harness our energy and resources to drive sustained benefits for our customers, our employees, and the Total Group.”
The history of Total Gas and Power
Total Gas & Power was established as AGAS Ltd in 1987 when the gas market was deregulated.
The business energy provider now supplies more than 175,000 sites across the following sectors: small and medium businesses, large commercial and industrial companies, in addition to the public service sector and non-profit organisations.
In 1996 AGAS became a wholly owned subsidiary of their shareholder, Elf Aquitaine. They changed their name to Elf Business Energy in 1999, and are now known as Total Gas & Power to integrate with other parts of the Group.
The commercial energy provider became the first independent supplier to contract gas for direct sales into the UK market.
Total Gas and Power was created through two successive mergers, the first when the former Total joined with the Belgian oil company Petrofina to form Totalfina, and the second when Totalfina combined with French oil company, Elf Aquitaine to create TotalFinaElf. In 2003, the Group re-branded as Total S.A., combining each of the three brands.

How to contact Total Gas and Power
You can contact Total Gas and Power by using the following methods:
If you wish to make contact via post, you can write to them at:
Total Gas & Power Ltd
10 Upper Bank Street
E14 5BF
Total Gas and Power opening times
Their office opening hours are between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Remember that any telephone calls made may be recorded.
- Contact Total Gas & Power via telephone by calling them on 0333 003 7874
If you smell gas or suspect a gas leak, contact The National Gas Emergency Service immediately on 0800 111 999. Calls are free, and they operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Republic of Ireland customers should contact The National Gas Emergency Service on 1850 20 50 50.
We also recommend you take the following action:
- Open all doors and windows to ventilate the space
- Turn gas supply and gas appliances off at the mains
- Avoid smoking or the use of any naked flames
- Avoid turning any electrical switches off or on
You can visit Total Gas & Power’s website directly at:
If you need to email Total Energy, you can send your message to: – Your message will be forwarded to the relevant department.
You can also use social media to contact TGP on Facebook and Twitter.
Head office
A map showing Total Gas and Power’s head office location can be found below.

Further Information
Fuel Source summary
As of figures available in March 2018, this is Total Gas & Power’s electricity fuel mix:
Source of electricity percentage from the following fuels:
- Coal 10%
- Natural Gas 31%
- Nuclear 9%
- Renewable 47%
- Other fuels 3%
Environmental impact for Total Gas and Power
As of figures available in 2018, Total Gas & Power assessed its environmental impact as follows:
Environmental impact = 241g/kWh CO2 emissions/kWh and 0.0013g/kWh high level radioactive waste/kWh.
Current Total Gas and Power energy tariffs
Total Gas & Power – Small & medium business electricity and gas tariffs
The following tariffs are available for businesses whose annual gas consumption is less than 10 GWh
Smart Fix
- Flexibility to fix your business tariff between 1 and 5 years
- Your price will remain the same, making it easier to plan financially
- This tariff is available for both gas and electricity business contracts
Fix For Five
- Guarantee business gas and electricity prices for a 5-year period
- Your business tariff will not alter based on wholesale energy market price fluctuations
- This tariff is available for both gas and electricity business contracts
Market Match
- Similar to a variable rate tariff, your energy bill will reflect market rates
- Each year you will receive information about any price changes that are applicable
- This tariff is available for both gas and electricity business contracts
Market Guard
- If the market rate decreases, you will pay less
- If the market rate increases, you won’t have to pay extra
- This tariff is available for both gas and electricity business contracts
- You have the flexibility to change tariff or leave after 12 months without any additional fees
- After the 12 month period, you can switch your gas and electricity tariff or leave by giving 30 days notice
- This tariff is available for both gas and electricity business contracts
- Business energy contract can be fixed between 1 and 5 years
- Eco-Energy renewable electricity is sourced from sea, solar, and and wind power
- Gas will generally be sourced through recycled food, farm and sewage waste
Total Gas & Power – Large business gas and electricity tariffs
For commercial businesses whose annual gas consumption is more than than 10 GWh, Total Gas & Power offers the following benefits:
- Dedicated account manager
- Specialised products with flexible contract terms for large scale gas customers and half hourly electricity meter users
- Expert energy advice from the business supplier’s support teams
- Additional help with the Government’s Feed in Tariff (FiT) and Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) initiatives
Customer Reviews
Total Gas and Power currently have a rating of 1.4 out of 10 from 144 reviews on Trustpilot.
Compare Total Gas & Power
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