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Key information about Ebico
Ebico supplies gas and electricity to more than 60,000 UK homes. The energy company is a fully certified social enterprise and uses its registered charity, Ebico Trust, to support fuel-poor areas and fuel poverty projects around the country.
Ebico hopes to achieve this by using any financial surpluses to support local, hands-on, projects in fuel-poor neighbourhoods across Britain via the Ebico Trust, a registered charity.
The company is partnered with SSE, so your payments, statements and meter readings will be overseen by the ‘Big Six’ supplier.
Company history
Ebico was founded in 1998 with a clear mission, “to help customers struggling with fuel poverty”. They want to do everything in their power to provide UK customers with affordable gas and electricity. In addition to this, the company wants to help households on low incomes who were unknowingly spending more than they should be on their energy bills.
They originally partnered with SSE plc to supply their energy under their own Ebico brand name. This was one of the first partnerships of its kind in the UK energy sector, after the industry made big changes to allow new suppliers to enter the market in the late 1990s, which increased overall competition and ultimately helped consumers save money.
Ebico started a new partnership in 2016 with Robin Hood Energy, a supplier managed by Nottingham City Council, and also known for their social focused efforts. The firm’s licenced supply partner, Robin Hood Energy, provides both their energy and account management services for their customers.

How to contact Ebico
You can contact Ebico through a number of different ways.
If you wish to contact the company via post, you can write to them at the following address:
Ebico Ltd
PO Box 10461
Opening times
Their office opening hours are between 8:00am and 8:00pm, Monday to Friday and 9:00am to 5:00pm on Saturday. Remember that any telephone calls you make may be recorded.
- Contact Ebico via telephone by calling them on 0800 028 6699
- You can visit the company’s website directly at: https://ebico.org.uk/
- If you need to email the firm, they can be reached at: customerservice@ebico.org.uk
- You can also use social media to contact Ebico via Facebook and Twitter.
Head office
A map showing their head office location can be found below.
Warm Home Discount Scheme
Ebico has signed up to the government’s Warm Home Discount Scheme.
The government’s Warm Home Discount Scheme gives eligible people a £140 discount on their electricity bill between October and April. You are automatically eligible for the scheme if your energy company is part of the scheme and you get the Guarantee Credit element of Pension Credit. You may be eligible if your energy company is part of the scheme and you are on a low income or if you receive certain means-tested benefits.
For more information on the Warm Home Discount Scheme you can visit www.gov.uk/the-warm-home-discount-scheme/

Further Information
Fuel Sources
All suppliers, including Ebico, are required to provide information about the mix of fuels they use to generate the electricity they supply to their customers.
The environmental impact of this fuel mix must also be disclosed. This should be published each year and is known as the ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure’.
Fuel mix data for 1st October 2017 taken directly from Ebico’s website.
Energy Source / Ebico / National Average
Coal / 13.5% / 17.0%
Natural Gas / 41.4% / 32.3%
Nuclear / 11.3% / 23.7%
Renewables / 29.4% / 24.3%
Other fuels / 4.4% / 2.5%
Environmental impact
CO2 g/Kwh / 291 / 290
Radioactive g/Kwh / 0.000763 / 0.0017
Current Ebico tariffs
Ebico currently offers seven main tariffs, referred to as “Energy Plans” by the company. These include fixed-rate, variable rate and prepayment options. We have outlined these below:
Fixed-rate price plans
Ebico Zero Green Fixed v4
- Zero standing charge
- 12 months fixed price
- Green energy plan
- No exit fees or tie-ins
- Minimum annual bill value provisions apply
Ebico Prime 12 Fixed v4
- 12 months fixed price
- Additional savings when paying by direct debit
- £60 (£30 per fuel), exit fees applicable
Ebico Prime 18 Fixed v2
- 18 months fixed price
- Additional savings when paying by direct debit
- £45 (£22.5 per fuel), online account management discount
- £60 (£30 per fuel), exit fees applicable
Ebico Prime 24 Fixed v4
- 24 months fixed price
- Additional savings when paying by direct debit
- £60 (£30 per fuel), exit fees applicable
Ebico Evergreen 12 Fixed v3
- 12 months fixed price
- Additional savings when paying by direct debit
- No exit fees or tie-ins
Variable-rate price plans
Ebico Evergreen
- Variable price
- Additional savings when paying by direct Debit
- No exit fees or tie-ins
Ebico Standard
- Variable price
- Additional savings when paying by direct Debit
- No exit fees or tie-ins
Pay as you go price plan
- Competitive price
- Variable price
- No exit fees or tie-ins
- Available only through Pay As You Go & Smart Pay As You Go meters
For full terms and conditions, please visit Ebico’s website.
Ebico has a ‘Great’ Trustpilot rating of 4 out of 5 stars based on 1,894 customer reviews.
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