Save money by switching to a cheaper gas supplier
Compare cheap gas prices
You could be overpaying by hundreds of pounds each year if you don’t shop around for your gas provider. The charges on your gas bill will change based on your energy usage and where you live, but the price you pay for each unit of gas is all down to the energy tariff you’re on.

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Compare energy deals to find the best gas prices
Run an energy comparison using Utility Saving Expert’s free, impartial, Ofgem regulated comparison tool to find the best deal for you.
When comparing gas deals, reference your annual gas statement so you can input precise data. This helps you create a detailed picture to accurately judge whether you are on the best plan for your energy usage or whether there’s a better tariff available.
Review this every year to check whether you’re on the best gas plan.
Understanding your gas usage in kWh
Gas statements will include important household data like your gas consumption, displayed in a measure of energy called kilowatt hour (kWh).
Even with kWh as the global measurement for energy, there is no single, consistent price for gas. It varies depending on who you are buying it from and what is written in your contract, so the cost of each kWh could be different for each gas supplier or energy tariff. According to National Statistics, the average cost of gas is 4.17p per kWh.
Most contracts will also include a daily standing charge, which remains the same no matter how much gas you use. The average price of standing charges is £84.62 per year.
How to compare gas providers set prices
Energy companies decide what to charge for gas based on a range of factors including regulations and energy price caps, global production and supply chain costs. Price changes can even be caused by the weather.
Gas providers often purchase gas well in advance, sometimes even years ahead of time. This strategic move helps protect the energy companies from gas price rises. Just like suppliers protect themselves from prices hikes, you can too. Choose a fixed-rate tariff to know exactly what you’ll be paying for gas for an agreed period of time, regardless of whether the global price of gas changes.
Customers also have the power to influence the price of energy. Suppliers must price energy competitively in order to keep customers happy long term, or risk losing them to cheaper alternatives. The best thing you can do as a customer is to shop around.
Your personal energy projections
If you choose a fixed rate tariff, you can agree the price you will pay for each unit of gas for the duration of your contract. This protects you from unexpected price rises, but your bill could still vary depending on how much energy you use.
For an indication of what you’ll be charged, your supplier will prepare a personal projection for you. This is a type of financial forecasting that is calculated using your history of energy usage and the price you pay for gas. It’s an estimate based on your data.
What to do if you don’t have your annual energy statement
Inputting your annual energy consumption when comparing gas deals ensures accurate quotes tailored to your household needs are generated in the comparison results.
Even if you can’t access your gas bill, it’s still possible to find quotes. As long as you have knowledge of how much you’re spending and can answer some questions about your household and energy usage, you’ll be able to compare energy deals to find a cheaper gas supplier.
Another way to review whether you are overpaying on your utility bills is by familiarising yourself with the types of tariffs and plans that are available. With a better understanding of the deals on offer, you’ll get an idea of where your current tariff and supplier sit in relation to competitors.
How to compare gas prices and suppliers online
Every home will have different requirements, so it’s no surprise that the best supplier will not be the same for everyone. However, some tips for achieving cheaper bills apply to most households. Here are our suggestions for how you can find the best gas tariff:
1. Avoid standard variable energy tariffs
These are default tariffs that are typically very expensive. You might be automatically shifted to this type of tariff after a fixed rate contract ends, so it’s important you always compare your options when your contract end date is approaching.
2. Input accurate details of how you use energy
If you compare energy tariffs using information that is inaccurate, you might not end up finding the optimal deal for you. It’s best to be completely transparent about your energy usage and reference correct data from your gas bills and annual statement.
3. Look out for cheap dual fuel deals
Energy suppliers may offer you a discount for choosing to purchase both gas and electricity from them. Dual fuel options reduce the administrative costs for the company supplying the energy and they will often reward customers with better deals.
4. Compare gas suppliers and don’t be afraid to shop around
Regularly compare gas tariffs to find out whether there’s a cheaper deal. You might even find that your current supplier has a more cost-effective option that you could switch to. Don’t put off comparing gas prices because you think it will be time consuming or confusing, that’s a common misconception. It’s quick, easy and could save you hundreds of pounds.
5. Switch suppliers and gas tariff regularly
Don’t just compare, switch! When you find a better gas tariff, all you need to do is confirm you want to switch. The suppliers will handle all of the processes for you. There’s no need to worry about being left without gas, your supply won’t be interrupted.
Get cheaper gas bills by switching energy supplier
For the cheapest gas prices, use Utility Saving Expert to compare and switch. The UK’s leading socially-conscious comparison site, we are independent and generate unbiased results to help you save money. Our comparison tool is regulated and fully accredited to the Ofgem Confidence Code.
After you choose to switch supplier, rest easy. We’ll get in touch with your new supplier and they will start all of the paperwork and processing. You won’t even need to get in touch with your old supplier to inform them of the switch. All of the heavy lifting is done for you, making switching stress-free.
All that you will need to do after switching gas supplier is provide a meter reading. This ensures your final statement from your old supplier and your first bill from your new supplier are correct.
Will my home be without gas during the switch?
Switching gas supplier won’t cause any disruption to your supply. You can continue heating your house comfortably throughout the process.
Even though your supplier switches, your gas supply remains the same. Despite the fact that you change who you buy your energy from and how much you pay, your home uses the same gas. There won’t be any unexpected gas outages. The only change you’ll notice is your savings!
What time of year is best to switch energy supplier?
You can switch gas supplier at any time of year. There’s no chance of any disruption to your energy supply, so it doesn’t matter if you switch during the winter months. However, you might choose to compare and switch supplier in the autumn to avoid overpaying for energy in the winter months.
You should look around for new deals when your fixed tariff contract is coming to an end to avoid being rolled over to a default tariff, which are typically very expensive. Switching within the last 49 days of your contract is free, but if you choose to switch before this, you may have to pay an exit fee.
How long does it take to switch supplier?
Comparing deals online and confirming you’d like to switch gas supplier takes just a few minutes, and the entire switch usually happens within 21 days.
During this time, you’ll be granted a two-week cooling off period in case you change your mind and want to cancel the switch.
Do cheaper gas companies provide worse customer service?
Choosing a cheaper energy deal doesn’t mean you’ll need to compromise on high quality customer service, though that’s a common worry for consumers who are considering switching gas supplier for the first time.
All of the companies we list are trusted providers. When you browse through the quotes in our comparison results, you’ll see plenty of information displayed, including star ratings for all providers. Whoever you choose, you can make your decision based on all of the factors that are important for you.
Reducing your gas bill
After you’ve compared deals and switched to the cheapest gas tariff, there are plenty of other ways to keep your costs down including easy changes that you can make at home:
- Turning down your thermostat
- Upgrading your appliances
- Improving the energy efficiency of your home
- Installing a smart meter
- Reducing your energy usage wherever possible